
The Emotion Code

Are emotions holding you back from fully experiencing life in an uncluttered way??

We often talk about “baggage” as past life events and experiences that alter our present day behavior and thought patterns. Especially when coming into a new relationship, we can often feel like past traumas or unhappiness can dampen our feelings impacting how we feel, act and participate in a new relationship.

I refer to this as emotional baggage or stagnant negative energy that is trapped in the body. As the energy beings we are, we experience negative and positive emotions (all energy) on a daily basis which usually pass through consciously feel these emotions. At times, we repress these feelings, usually the negative ones like fear, anxiety, or heartache and don’t process them. Sometimes this can be as a protective mechanism. The problem with not fully experiencing the emotion at the time, is that the energy gets blocked and stays with us.

The Emotion Code method developed by chiropracted Dr. Bradley Nelson, works to rid the body of these trapped emotions which can occur before birth, at conception, during childhood or adulthood. Using muscle testing, I find the emotion in the body and any relevant information. The process is quick without having to relive or recount the trauma or experience when the emotion happened. I then uses a magnet over the governing meridian to clear that emotional energy from the body.

Each person has a very unique experience when releasing emotions. During each session, usually there is an overall topic which is addressed. This could be chronic pain, a specific relationship, or anxiety.

As I work to find emotions, sometimes generational emotions will come up, that is ones that are inherited from ancestors. According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, these emotions can be released not only from the client but also from other family members whom are also carrying this emotion. For parents, interestingly emotions can be passed down to children during conception or while in mother’s womb. Doing the work on one’s self can also help to clear these emotions that are not the owners, but someone else’s.

Do you often feel like you absorb other people’s emotions? Especially from you loved ones-kids, parents, or close friends? It’s common for us to pick up this energy from others with stays with us. The Emotion Code also works on absorbed emotions from others, ones that are subconsciously absorbed.

Most clients benefit from multiple sessions, but often times get relief from one or two sessions. Results vary from person to person, with a wide range of benefits from doing the work.

Benefits include:

  • Release generational emotions
  • Help with childhood trauma
  • Ease feelings of anxiety or depression
  • Improve relationships
  • Balance chakras
  • Improve self esteem
  • Open up heart space to love deeper
  • Improve physical ailments
  • Improve mood

By working on one’s own personal emotional baggage, we gain clarity about ourselves, have an enhanced emotional proprioception, and become free from past negative emotions that may one impacting one’s current life. With this new clarity of our emotional well-being, we are able to move forward with a greater sense of “wholeness” while letting the past go and moving on to the present moment.


“Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything-anger, anxiety, or possessions-we cannot be free.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh